Intel останавливает найм в отдел по производству чипов на пару недель, будет думать что делать дальше

Развитие событий: Intel нашла причину сбоев в процессорах 13-го и 14-го поколений (29 июля 2024)

Компания Intel предупредила о проблемах связанных со снижением продаж в отрасли, будет останавливать найм и менять свою стратегию на рынке:

Intel Corp has frozen hiring in the division responsible for PC desktop and laptop chips, according to a memo reviewed by Reuters, as part of a series of cost-cutting measures.

Intel is "pausing all hiring and placing all job requisitions on hold" in its client computing group, according to the memo sent on Wednesday (Jun 8).

The memo said that some hiring could resume in as little as two weeks after the division re-evaluates priorities and that all current job offers in its systems will be honored.

"We believe we are at the beginning of a long-term growth cycle across the semiconductor industry and we have the right strategy in place," Intel said in a statement.

Intel freezes hiring in PC chip division for at least two weeks